Happy Anniversary

Today is my first anniversary of being chemo and lymphoma-free.

All is well.
Had a nice dinner out with Jacqui and Sophia to celebrate.
Many more of these anniversaries to come!

7 thoughts on “Happy Anniversary”

  1. Mike:Late to the congratulations train, but wanted to make sure you knew we were thinking about you – Congratulations on the one year anniversary! Please think of us if you guys are headed toward the CT area. We would love to see you guys. We will do the same should we be heading toward Philly! Casper also say hello!Jay & Jordana Ceciljcecil11@gmail.com


  2. Mike, I’ve read many of your older posts and decided to write because my father died of NHL and so did his brother’s daughter. They were diagnosed about the same age I am now..73.Blood tests don’t show NHL, right? Has to be a PET or CT scan? Did you have breathing trouble a lot? Did it feel as tho your diaphragm was were being invaded? I don’t have any nodule ‘signs’ but with the family history of NHL I am trying to persuade my doc it IS a possibility, and will ask him Tues about getting a scan. thanks !Lorna Lou


  3. Hi! Haven’t checked in on you here in awhile, Glad things are good and Sophia is getting so big! Tim is one year post transplant and doing good, some cardiac changes from chemo/radiation but hopefully nothing bad. See you on Facebook. Laurie


  4. Hi, Mike! I just wanted to say congratulations on hitting your one year mark. It must be like having another birthday! I was recently diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, but one day soon, I hope to be where you are! Again, congrats!


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