Feeding Time

Today our little Sophia had her first non-boob milk meal. Teaching a 5-month-old to eat a slice a pizza like a New Yorker was a challenge, so we had to resort to the food processor and mush it up so we could spoon feed it to her. Needless to say, she loved it and asked for more.

We ran out of pizza quickly so we had to feed her organic rice cereal sweetened with Jacqui’s milk. Yum, yum. When we fed that to her, she had this “why are you feeding me this crap!” look on her face. But she ate it anyway, washed it down with some of Jacqui’s magic milk, and promptly took a nap. Now we await the gift she will give on the other end…

Like a mad scientist, Jacqui prepares the concoction of rice cereal and boob milk.

Daddy was the lucky guy to feed Sophia her first meal. By the look on her face, I think she is wondering just what the heck am I going to do to her with that tasteless crap in the blue bowl.

Hmmmnn, not that bad!

Finger looking good.

Where’s the beef?

What is this mush?!?

4 thoughts on “Feeding Time”

  1. sophia, you look like your daddy did when he ate his cereal. remember what i told you–please do not throw it across the room onto the walls like your daddy used to or spit it onto his face as he did to me, because they worked real hard to find just the right color paint for the room. you look so adorable and i love you so very much. love again and again, grandma


  2. when grandma comes to visit she would love to make you a special and very delicious apple sauce. don’t remember if fruits will be on your list of new foods but if not this coming weekend then in the future. it is your great grandma sara’s recipe. your grandpa allen loved it and so does your daddy and aunt andrea and you can really spit that stuff very far. love, grandma


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